To transfer to our quality service from your existing carrier simply fill in the form below & submit your registration.

To register for Direct Debit Click here to download a form and FAX it to us on

Company name:
Company Contact First name:
Company Contact Last name:
Business Address/Street:
Postal Address/Street:
A/H Contact Telephone#
B/H Contact Telephone#
Drivers license#:
Last monthly bill:
Date of birth:
Telephone numbers to connect
(fill in the phone number including the area code without the zero before the area code):
Telephone number #1:
Telephone number #2:
Telephone number #3:
Countries most frequently called
Country #1:
Country #2:  
Recommended by:

Please put the persons telephone number
Current local call carrier:

(eg Telstra, Optus etc)
Current long distance carrier:

(eg Telstra, Optus etc)
Yes, I want to become a pre-selected customer for national & international phone calls & calls to mobile.
Yes, I want to become a full service customer for all local, national, international & calls to mobile, including the line rental charges on one bill.
Please also provide me with an internet connection - I would like one of your consultants to contact me & tell me about this month’s specials.